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Silvermine Coffee Roasters

Sumatra Mandheling G1 TP

Sumatra Mandheling G1 TP

Regular price $14.99
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Grind Size
  • ROAST: Dark
  • FLAVOR: Sweet Tobacco, Dried Cherry, Citrus, Green Pepper
  • VARIETIES: Catimor, Typica
  • PROCESS: Wet-Hulled/Giling Basah
  • REGION: Aceh Province
  • ALTITUDE: 1200-1400 MASL

Our Sumatra Aceh Mandheling green coffee beans comes from smallholders in the Aceh province. Growers in this region have an average of 0.5 - 1 hectare dedicated to coffee.
But with favorable climate conditions, rich, fertile soil, and a high altitude, conditions are ideal for growing arabica coffee.

Unroasted coffee from Sumatra is truly differentiated by its unique wet-hulled (giling basah) processing method. The process uses water to remove the cherry’s red pulp and mucilage, while also removing the parchment layer in a “wet huller”. By removing the parchment layer the bean dries faster, which is beneficial in Indonesia’s wet climate. The wet-hulled process gives Sumatra its signature intense earthy flavors of cedar and tobacco, as well as rich, sweet chocolate.

This coffee is roasted to Full City + or darker, giving it a full body and rich chocolatey flavor. Excellent hot and as a cold brew. Sumatra Aceh Mandheling is a classic example of the deep, rustic and sweet character of Indonesian coffee.

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